Friday, November 19, 2010

Merchandise I think is Brilliant

The Tauntaun Sleeping Bag
Ok, I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan, but because of my husband it's growing on me and I absolutely LOVE this!
You can buy one here:

Din-ink Pen Utensils
Din-ink pen cap utensils by Cingoli, Bellisario, Cellini and Fontana recently tied for first place in Designboom's 'Dining in 2015' contest.
Unfortunately they aren't for sale...yet. But I will keep my eye out for them!

The Car Pet

Ok, these are just too adorable! I know, I know, it's just carpet with eyes on it but come on, how cute are they?! *gushes of love*
You can buy your own here:

Bacon Toothpicks

Now, everybody loves bacon, I have yet to meet anyone that doesn't and dude, seriously? How awesome would it be to have the luscious flavor of bacon without the mess and clean your teeth at the same time?
You can buy them here:

That's all for now, happy shopping!

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